Did you know you can use the Council for Affordable Quality Healthcare’s (CAQH) online tool, CAQH ProView®, to update your practice information in our provider directory?
CAQH is a nonprofit alliance of health plans and related associations working together to achieve the shared goal of streamlining the business of health care. AmeriHealth is a participating organization.
AmeriHealth uses CAQH DirectAssure® to help reduce redundant change requests. You may have received an email from CAQH asking you to update your practice locations. The email included a list of practice locations that are not currently in your profile but are included in the AmeriHealth provider directories. The email included instructions on how to accept or reject the listing in our directory.
How does using CAQH help you and help us?
By using CAQH ProView, it will help you and help us keep your information up to date. As an AmeriHealth provider registered with CAQH, you will be prompted quarterly to update or confirm your practice’s information for use in the directory. Your patients will have real-time access to updated and complete information.
AmeriHealth is committed to increasing accuracy of provider directories and is working with CAQH to continue to improve the experience of providers. This will help members find your practice in directories when seeking care.
You can prepare for your next attestation by reviewing the
CAQH training video. Ensure you are submitting accurate directory information by using the
CAQH Best Practice Checklist.
Using CAQH to make directory changes does not replace general demographic change requests. If you need to update information other than your practice location, please use the procedures outlined in this article.
For more information
If you have any questions after viewing the training video and checklist, contact the CAQH Help Desk at