Effective January 1, 2012, there were
several changes to the AmeriHealth 65? NJ HMO
plan. The table below highlights some of these changes. Please note that this
is a list of our significant benefits changes, not a comprehensive list of all
benefits changes.
AmeriHealth 65 NJ HMO benefits
AmeriHealth 65 NJ HMO
Changes for 2012
Smoking and tobacco use cessation
Not covered
Covered; no copayment
Diabetes screening
Not covered
Covered; no copayment
Chemotherapy drugs
Covered in full
20% coinsurance
Durable medical equipment
10% coinsurance
20% coinsurance
Medicare Part B prescription drugs
Covered in full
20% coinsurance
Primary care physician office visit
$10 copayment
$15 copayment
Prosthetic devices and related supplies
10% coinsurance
20% coinsurance
Urgently needed care
$10 - $40 copayment
$15 - $40 copayment
Please contact your Network Coordinator or
Hospital/Ancillary Services Coordinator if you have any questions about
these 2012 benefits changes for AmeriHealth 65 NJ HMO members.