As part of the ongoing effort to combat fraud, waste, and abuse in the Medicare
Part D program, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services has engaged NBI
MEDIC (Health Integrity LLC), in an outreach effort to request that prescribing
physicians verify prescriptions during the course of an investigation.
When investigating a potential prescription drug fraud and abuse situation, a
key element includes prescriber prescription verification to confirm whether or
not the physician actually wrote the prescription in question. NBI MEDIC
routinely mails the prescribing physician a prescription verification form to
be completed within two weeks.
NBI MEDIC investigators report that no more than 5 to 10 percent of prescribers
respond to these requests. If you are contacted by NBI MEDIC, it is imperative
that you respond to their request for prescription verifications within two
weeks. A timely and complete response to prescription verification helps NBI
MEDIC take appropriate action by confirming or eliminating an allegation of
wrongdoing and/or preventing the payment for fraudulent prescriptions.
For information on how AmeriHealth fights fraud, waste, and abuse, visit the
Anti-Fraud page on our website.