AmeriHealth is pleased to announce that the migration to the new operating platform has been completed forall AmeriHealth members. The final wave of AmeriHealth New Jersey commercial members was migrated onOctober 1, 2015, to complete this transition.
Reminder of important changes
As previously communicated, many important changes were made that affect the way you do business withAmeriHealth. Please be sure to review previous communications, including the following resources, so that you areaware of these changes:
Check member ID cards at every visit
Members were issued a new ID card upon migration (see samples below). Migrated member ID cards differ fromnon-migrated member ID cards in the following ways:
- AmeriHealth assigned a new 12-digit member ID number, called a "unique member ID" (UMI).
- The subscriber and all members covered under the subscriber's policy share the same ID number. Each memberID card includes the member's name and subscriber UMI.
- AmeriHealth New Jersey commercial member ID cards now indicate the network in which the member is enrolled.The AmeriHealth New Jersey network indicator can be found on the top right section of the ID card and includesdesignations such as Local Value and Regional Preferred. If the AmeriHealth New Jersey commercial member isenrolled in the National Access network through Private Healthcare Systems, Inc. (PHCS), the logo will also beincluded on the bottom right of the ID card.
It is imperative that provider offices do the following every time a member is seen:
- obtain a copy of the member's ID card to ensure that you submit the most up-to-date information to AmeriHealth;
- verify eligibility and benefits using the NaviNet® web portal prior to rendering service.
We will continue to work closely with our entire provider network now that our platform transition has beencompleted. If you have questions after reviewing the previously mentioned resources, email us.
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