Isaac Health offers specialist dementia care for IBX Medicare Advantage members

With dementia rapidly on the rise, early diagnosis and ongoing care are more critical than ever. That is why Independence Blue Cross (IBX) has teamed up with Isaac Health to provide your patients (our members) with easier access to specialist dementia care and support.  

Patients with an IBX Medicare Advantage plan who have a dementia diagnosis, or are at risk for dementia, may be eligible for a free program offered by Isaac Health, a leading virtual clinic that provides specialist care for brain health conditions, including dementia.

Refer your eligible patients today: 

  • By phone: 1-844-333-3620  
  • By fax: 1-855-552-7049 

Please note: Isaac Health will notify you if one of your patients enrolls in the program. 

Isaac Health meets patients where they are and supports them through every step of their dementia journey, including: 

  • Diagnosis: Specialist assessment for dementia or other cognitive concerns. 
  • Treatment: Medical and behavioral management, including cognitive rehabilitation therapy. 
  • Caregiver support: Personalized counseling and access to a support hotline. 
  • Psychosocial support: Access to local and online communities for support and other vital resources. 

To learn more, visit For questions, call Isaac Health at 1-844-333-3620.
