We recently transitioned to
PNC Bank's Claim Payments & Remittances (CPR) service, powered by ECHO Health, for medical claim payments and remittances and capitation payments. As a result, you will start to see a new Explanation of Provider Payment (EPP) for claims processed on the new platform after January 1, 2024.
You can view your EPP on ECHO Health's
provider portal. There are several search options, including Provider ID, Claim Number, EFT Draft Number, and Payment Reference Number.
Coming soon, you can view your EPP using the Practice Management application on the Provider Engagement, Analytics & Reporting (PEAR) portal. Select EOB & Remittance from the Transactions drop-down menu.
Sample EPP
Below is a sample of the new EPP. You'll see the layout is slightly different than the existing Provider Explanation of Benefits (professional) and Provider Remittance (facility). We've highlighted a few new or different fields to help you get acclimated.
Both professional and facility providers will receive the EPP for claims processed on the new platform. There will no longer be separate versions based on the provider type.

Click here to view and save a PDF version as a reference.