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Enrollment changes for Baby BluePrints®

March 28, 2013

IBC will soon change the way members are enrolled in our Baby BluePrints maternity program. The overall goal of the Baby BluePrints program ? to reach out to members who have been identified as having risk factors within their first trimester of pregnancy ? is not changing. Beginning May 6, 2013, when IBC maternity members come in for their first prenatal visit, they no longer need to complete the Initial Maternity Patient Questionnaire (IMPQ). Instead, we ask that you let them know about the Baby BluePrints program and encourage them to call our toll-free number, []1-800-598-BABY[], to self-enroll. Upon calling, a Health Coach will explain the program to the member and ask her a series of questions to complete the enrollment process. Once enrolled in the program, members will receive a welcome letter that includes information on how to access educational materials on our secure member website, ibxpress.com, and the []1-800-598-BABY[] phone number for questions and support during pregnancy. In addition, high-risk members will be given the name and contact information for their Health Coach. If in subsequent prenatal visits you discover that a maternity member has not yet self-enrolled in Baby BluePrints, or you feel that she may benefit from case management due to a high-risk pregnancy, you can refer the member to the program by completing an online []physician referral form[]. When you submit the online referral form, we will make certain that members who need additional support are encouraged to enroll in case management. You can also call []1-800-ASK-BLUE[] to refer a high-risk maternity member for case management. [

]Changes in the prenotification process[

] Currently, once an IMPQ is submitted for a member, the submission generates a maternity prenotification number that providers can view through the NaviNet[]?[] web portal using the Authorizations transaction. With the discontinuation of the IMPQ, a prenotification number will no longer be generated. Therefore, as of May 6, 2013, you will no longer need to obtain prenotification or notify IBC of the delivery. Note: Providers must continue to inform IBC of any OB antepartum admissions, any babies admitted to the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU), and any detained babies. If you have any questions about these changes, please call Customer Service at []1-800-ASK-BLUE[]. Please continue to enroll maternity members using the IMPQ until May 3, 2013. [

]NaviNet[]?[] is a registered trademark of NaviNet, Inc., an independent company.[


This content was prepared for the Provider News Center and may not be reproduced in any way without the express written permission of Independence Blue Cross. Independence Blue Cross is an independent licensee of the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association.
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Independence Blue Cross is an independent licensee of the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association, serving the health insurance needs of Philadelphia and southeastern Pennsylvania.