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Putting ICD-10 into Practice: Coding exercises and scenarios

December 2, 2013


Throughout 2013, we have published an assortment of coding examples and scenarios to help you put the new ICD-10 guidelines and conventions into practice. This final article in the series will review some of those exercises.

An answer key is provided below so you can verify if your answers are correct. In addition, code narratives are included to describe each ICD-10 code used in the exercises. If needed, use the ICD-10 Spotlight: Know the codes booklet for assistance with these exercises.

Coding exercises

Code the following conditions according to ICD-10 coding conventions and guidelines:

  1. Subsequent encounter for obesity resulting from the prescription drug Tryptanol®
  2. Morbid obesity with a Body Mass Index (BMI) of 42 in an adult
  3. Concussion without loss of consciousness, initial encounter with neck pain
  4. Twin pregnancy, one placenta, two amniotic sacs, third trimester with complication of gestational hypertension
  5. Hypotension due to drugs (diuretics), initial encounter
  6. Cardiomyopathy from alcohol abuse
  7. Uterine prolapse, first degree and third degree
  8. Plaque psoriasis
  9. Senile dementia
  10. Churg-Strauss syndrome
  11. Aphakia of right eye (due to trauma)


The following are the corresponding code narratives for each of the codes in the answer key:

ICD-10 code Code narrative E66.1 Drug-induced obesity T43.015D Adverse effect of tricyclic antidepressants, subsequent encounter E66.01 Morbid (severe) obesity due to excess calories Z68.41 Body mass index (BMI) 40.0-44.9, adult S06.0x0A Concussion without loss of consciousness, initial encounter M54.2 Cervicalgia O30.033 Cyclophoria O13.3 Gestational (pregnancy-induced) hypertension without significant proteinuria, third trimester I95.2 Hypotension due to drugs T50.2x5A Adverse effect of carbonic-anhydrase inhibitors, benzothiadiazides, and other diuretics, initial encounter N81.2 Incomplete uterovaginal prolapse N81.3 Complete uterovaginal prolapse I42.6 Alcoholic cardiomyopathy F10.99 Alcohol use, unspecified with unspecified alcohol-induced disorder L40.0 Psoriasis vulgaris F03.90 Unspecified dementia without behavioral disturbance M30.1 Polyarteritis with lung involvement (Churg-Strauss) H27.01 Aphakia, right eye

Please visit the ICD-10 section of our website. On this site you will find additional information related to the transition to ICD-10, including frequently asked questions, examples of how ICD-9 codes will translate to ICD-10 codes in the ICD-10 Spotlight: Know the codes booklet, and ICD-10 coding exercises and scenarios in the Putting ICD-10 into Practice: Coding exercises and scenarios booklet.

Answers to coding exercises:

1) E66.1, T43.015D 2) E66.01, Z68.41 3) S06.0x0A, M54.2 4) O30.033, O13.3 5) I95.2, T50.2x5A 6) N81.2, N81.3 7) I42.6, F10.99 8) L40.0
9) F03.90 10) M30.1 11) H27.01


This content was prepared for the Provider News Center and may not be reproduced in any way without the express written permission of Independence Blue Cross. Independence Blue Cross is an independent licensee of the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association.
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